logo2 Our meetings are usually held on Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Parish Hall behind St. Agnes Church, 186 Woburn Street, Reading, Mass.

See our Meetings page for more information.

January 18 : Deanna David of Ribbon Candy Hooking

Deana David of Ribbon Candy Hooking will be with us for a discussion on her book, ‘Design Like an Artist’, published by Rug Hooking Magazine‘s Ampry Press. Deana teaches an ongoing ‘Design Like’ series that features an individual fine artist and explores the tricks and tropes that artist uses in his or her work to create an iconic and timeless look. Deana will present an interactive slideshow that will enable conversation on composition and color theory, and how the various artists’ work might be translated into rug hooking terms and new designs. The artists featured in the talk will be Maud Lewis, Hilma af Klint, Magdalena Briner Eby, Marc Chagall, Friedensreich Hunterwasser and Gustav Klimt.

Deana is the founder and owner of Ribbon Candy Hooking. She runs a biweekly live rug hooking show on the Ribbon Candy Hooking YouTube channel and has published three books on rug hooking recently including The Haunted Rug, which came out this past autumn. She also publishes, with her partner Judy Tayor, Magpie Times Magazine, a quarterly rug hooking magazine which is now in its second year. Deana is the new President of TIGHR, The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers, and will be hosting the next TIGHR event in Newport, RI in Autumn of 2027.

For show and tell please don’t forget to bring your recently completed projects, as always. The special theme for show and tell in January is rugs using non-traditional materials, so bring those too.

If your last name starts with S through Z or A through B, please bring refreshments to share!

Please note that we shall, once again, be meeting in the first-floor room. Hope to see you there!

February 15: Flea Market

Please start thinking now about which of your treasures you’re willing to put up for adoption – books, wool, yarn, fabric, patterns, hooking equipment – all crafty stuff is welcome! This is always a great time to clean out some items you no longer need and these things often help those newer to the craft build their supplies. Not to mention that this is a significant fundraiser for our chapter!

March 15: Sue Barry ~ Torn strips heart workshop

April 19: Zinnia workshop with Pam Bartlett

We will be meeting in the first floor meeting room instead of the second floor room of the St Agnes Parish Hall.

May 17: Hook-in

June 21: Strawberry Festival 

Debbie Power will host it at her home in Carlisle.

Special invitation themes for the 2024-2025 year

Here is the lineup for the rest of this year’s special invitation show and tell themes so you can plan to borrow or unearth older rugs that fit any of these categories:

  • December: Fruit
  • January: Rugs using non traditional materials
  • February: Vehicles (cars, bikes, motorhomes, etc.)
  • March: 3D Items, i.e., purse, stuffed item
  • April: Bugs/Insects
  • May: Trees

Summaries of meetings back to 2010 are here.