Our meetings are usually held on Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Parish Hall behind St. Agnes Church, 186 Woburn Street, Reading, Mass. See our Meetings page for more information.

April 20 ~ Bev Mulcahey, guest speaker

Bev is a McGown Certified teacher and co-director of the Country Inn Rug School. She has taught rug hooking at her home in Paxton, MA, for several years and has had a long, successful career as a professional seamstress.

Bev will share her innovative techniques for finishing and displaying hooked pieces – from rugs, to pillows and more! Please come and join us for what promises to be an inspiring talk.

We invite those whose last names begin with D-M to bring something to munch on in our meeting, either sweet or savory. 

Please bring any new rugs you have to share, or any ones previously completed that have interesting or unusual borders for our special invitation show and tell.

Following months’ meetings:

  • May 18 ~ Hook-in
    Our final special invitation for this year will be Bright and Bold rugs!
    Suggestions for subjects for next year’s special invitation show and tell include: People/portraits, Birds, Landscapes, Fruit, Rugs using non traditional materials, Vehicles (cars, bikes, motorhomes, etc.), Trees, Landscapes, and Lighthouses. If you have other ideas to contribute, please let Ildi know.
  • June 15 ~ Strawberry festival

Summaries of meetings back to 2010 are here.