logo2Starting in 2023 we welcomed past projects that fit monthly “special invitation” themes each month. It was great to see some old favorites reappear and they made our Show and Tell even richer.  If you have a past or present project of any kind that fits a theme, bring it! We want to see it! We ask people to bring rugs that they may have displayed before but would be of interest to people who recently joined the guild.

Our themes for the year are listed below, so take a peek and see if there might be something you need to put finishing touches on to show in an upcoming month!

Our special invitation calendar for 2024-25 includes:

  • September: People/portraits
  • October: Birds
  • November: Landscapes
  • December: Fruit
  • January: Rugs using non-traditional materials
  • February: Vehicles (cars, bikes, RV’s, etc.)
  • December: Fruit
  • January: Rugs using non-traditional materials
  • March: 3D items (purse, pillow, etc.)
  • April: Bugs, insects
  • May: Trees