
These slide shows include the rugs and other hooked art displayed at our meetings during the 2015-2016 year.

Our challenge project that year was mandalas.

September 2015

Our mats displayed in September include the mandala challenge pieces started at Ginny Shannon’s workshop.

October, 2015

Here are our rugs and other hooked art displayed at our meeting:

November 2015

Here are our rugs and other hooked art displayed at our meeting:

January 2016

Here are our show and tell rugs and other hooked art displayed at our January meeting:

February 2016

March 2016

We had two members present their work this month, Ania Knapp and Jane Sittnick.

Here is a slideshow with Ania and her work:

Here is a slideshow with Jane and her work:

May, 2016